Advantages of Real-Time Website Monitoring


Have you spent months, or possibly years, establishing your online presence? Does your business heavily rely on the stability and performance of your website? If so, then you must take active steps to protect your reputation and site performance by implementing a thorough website monitoring solution. While there are literally hundreds of various services that tend to monitoring and management of your website, some of these solutions are better than others. Within this article, the advantages and benefits of real-time website monitoring are discussed. Afterward, you’ll have a higher understanding of how this level of monitoring truly benefits the overall functionality of your website.

Effective Server-Level Monitoring and Management

If you were to think of your online enterprise as a human, the server is the heart of the entire operation. While there are many other organs that are essential to the health of your network, without a fully functioning heart, none of the other components can operate as they should. Therefore, one of the primary advantages of real-time monitoring involves being able to effectively monitor the performance and health of your Web server. Because of the importance of your server, and its susceptibility to various errors, a real-time website monitoring suite offers continuous access into the inner-workings of this lifeline.

Real-Time Server Monitoring Advantages and Benefits

Because the monitoring service you need is as unique as your enterprise, it’s impossible to create a “one-size-fits-all” list of advantages and benefits. That being noted, there are several universal benefits all business owners and website administrators are able to benefit from. Some of these advantages include:

  • Enhanced Network Performance – In order to have a website that’s fully functional and optimized for pure performance, you must create an environment that stable and designed for functionality. Real-time server monitoring solutions assist in creating these enhanced environments by monitoring specific transactions and code-level interactions.
  • Enhanced Database Availability – A website that’s unable to effectively communicate with browsers and servers are destined for a lackluster performance. Real-time server monitoring solutions actively monitor database inquiries, transactions and events to ensure each string is deployed in an efficient manner.

Immediate Glitch Detection – The moment and error occurs, the performance and functionality of your server (and subsequently, your website) is diminished. One of the most effective ways to eliminate this from happening is by implementing a real-time server monitoring solution. These solutions are able to detect errors the moment they happen, and then alert the appropriate administrator. Not only does this reduce the affect a glitch has on end-user experiences, but it reduces the amount of time administrators must sacrifice to locate and correct root errors. This could potentially save your IT department hours.